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End Your Year Right with These 4 Questions.

We at the end of December. December is full of pine tree fragrance, holiday cheer, buying frenzy and party-going. We drop into a childlike fun state, we let ourselves loose, and visit the wild and free ourselves. We let go of our work responsibilities for a bit. What a relief. All that is great, we love December for that. At the same time, December is closing a year and is inviting us to reflect on the year that passed. We pause to be grateful for some things and to acknowledge others that caused us difficulties. December is a time to get back to the drawing board and re-think our life, regroup, and reorganize. Yes, I know many of us start the list of “New Year’s resolutions”, the list that is active in January or maybe February and then it gets to join all the other lists in the pile of dead promises to ourselves and others. Why? How come we cannot uphold our cherished list of resolutions??? A lot can be said about that. Today I want to cut to the chase and address what I think is at the core of our sing-song of broken promises. Here it is: we do not ask the 4 Grand Questions on a constant basis. The result is, we are not in sync with who we truly are, why are we here, what’s in our way, and how we get there. Only if you know the answers to these questions, can you navigate your life from your inner centre, your true essence.

So, what are the 4 Grand Questions?

I have formulated them and asked myself and my clients to visit them consistently and rethink/re-feel them. We need to meditate on our truest and deepest heart desires and envision our manifestation plan. When our desires are clear to us and the vision of our optimal life, vibrates in our imagination, we are moved to take organic actions. Slowly and naturally, we begin to move from dreaming to acting and from frustration to fulfilment. Since the new year is approaching, let’s start the process now. Use December to be both fun and profound.

I am going to take a minute to go over each of those 4 questions. Please bear in mind that each question calls for a deep dive. You might need to do some writing to help yourself gather your thoughts and feelings.

The first grand question is, who am I?

Who you are is not your looks, your resume, your possessions, titles, status, habits, fears, or worries. Who you are is your truest inner essence.

Here is an example of what my clients identify as their essence:

“I feel my essence is creativity, playfulness, and love of nature.”

Go ahead and get a sense of what your essence is and remember that the answers are not always carved in stone. It is an open exploration and redefining process.

The second question is, why am I here?

Other forms of this question could be, what is my true purpose and mission in this life? What is my unique contribution?

Here is an example of what clients say:

“I am here to bring beauty through art and design.”

The third question is, what is in my way?

Ask yourself, what is within me that is preventing me from being who I truly am and living my purpose fully? Here are some examples: insecurities, fears, self-doubts, lack of focus, defensive habits, addictive habits, etc.

The last and maybe the most complicated question is, how do I get there?

To discover this, you might ask, what is my path, practice, and method of self-evolving that can help me get there? (be who I am and live my purpose).

For example, I created the Gates of Power® method and program to help people do just that. Help yourself TODAY. Book yourself a 30-minutes free session with me.


I invite you to treat yourself to a 30-minute FREE consultation. A consultation that would put you on the path to claiming your true self.


You can reach Nomi Bachar at, 212-877-0346, Schedule a Free 30-minute call here.


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