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Navigating a Troubled World

The world that we live in at this point is extremely stressful. Greed is destroying the environment, wars are taking their tolls, anti-semitism attacks are flurrying, personal and social freedoms are being sabotaged, and life is overwhelmed by media and the internet, as well as the basic struggle to survive economically. We as individuals must do something, in the privacy of our souls to cling to our right and obligation to make choices that are constructive and loving. What an arduous task!

It takes the strength of character, a solid moral and emotional compass,a passion for life, as well as a love for self and others to not fall into thepit of bitterness, anger, blame, resentment, or resignation. So manyof us buckle underneath what looks like senseless cruelty, extremism,and brutality that laces our lives and filters into our homes, minds,and souls.

How do we stay positive, loving, and committed to doing good? It is acontinuous challenge and commitment to choose and act on the sideof forgiveness and compassion. Watching the news, many parts of theworld are being devastated by political/social forces, natural disasters,disease, and economic strife. To me, the brutal conditions in many places of our world are a symbol of our struggle to maintain human dignity intact.

Are we able to settle our minds and souls in the realm of justice, unity,and love? Not an easy choice. If we can awaken to this truth, we canfind our inner peace.


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