⭐️Traits of Good Communicators⭐️
To succeed in any area of life, to reach your potential and find fulfillment, you must become a good communicator. Take it upon yourself to cultivate the connector/communicator within you. Your Expanded Self is a wise and compassionate communicator. Let it guide you in all of your relationships. Keep the following tips in mind as you seek to improve your communications:
• Be the cause. Stay present, which means committing to creating mutual understanding, mutual benefit, and mutual enjoyment, and taking responsibility for the success of the communication.
• Keep an open mind and heart. Be flexible, ready to learn, and ready to see things in a new way.
• Focus on the other person. Focus on the other person and see their value.
• Find common ground. Learn to see things from the other’s perspective (even if, or when, you have a different opinion).
• Be authentic and clear. Use all five channels—thoughts, emotions, words, physical expression, and action.
• Be a contribution. Find how you can help, support, inspire, create change and express affection.
• Use humor. Playful enjoyment can contribute to almost all communications.
If you feel that your relationships are unfulfilling and your communication skills are lacking!
Take an Action TODAY.
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I invite you to treat yourself to a 30-minute FREE consultation. A consultation that would put you on the path to claiming your true self.
You can reach Nomi Bachar at, 212-877-0346, www.gatesofpower.com. Schedule a Free 30-minute call here.